I didn’t give it before but I will now because the world needs hope and who am I to refuse?
Such folly to think anything escapes my knowing as when you are with me, all at once, all that I allowed you to know you know.
No words were spoken nor were they shouted.
I whispered them to your spirit.
I discreetly filled you with knowing.
Knowing flowed into you as effortlessly as taking a breath.
Is it not so?
The great I AM. No truer words have ever been spoken or written.
The great I AM is in your core.
The great I AM is the light.
Even when I’m hidden, still I AM.
As my energy charged sending me over every synapse in your brain.
Even those small fibres know that I AM.
They rose and fell to the rythm I created, to the symphony I composed, I conducted.
I consider it a tragic comedy of arrogance when Man defies what the smallest innovation knows.
Man thinks he acts and moves outside my knowledge.
How could it be so?
So I say,I proclaim, he does not.
His own fibres clutch themselves laughing at the idea.
I AM the flower, the winds, the rain, the sinew, the marrow, the rock, the author, the maker, the touch that set in motion all that you know and all that you know and all that you do not see or know.
I knit you.
I put breath in you.
I’m encoded in every cell.
Every nanosecond of time falls in step as I will it so.
I AM in you.
I AM in you.
I AM all.
Even when you perceive nothing, still there I am.
Even as I tell you this here and now I press my truth into your breast, your very heart pressing further in.


These words were originally uttered by Penny Wittbrodt on her YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/rIL4Vs1yW9s

I would like to say thank you to Penny for being so open and honest and for sharing these wonderful words and to God for conceiving them.

One thought on “I AM

  1. WOW Penny,

    I saw your nde experience on YouTube. It was so powerful! 💗🙏😊💗

    I am just now delving into wanting to know more after being thrust into a tragic event almost 1 year ago, (May 27th). This event brought me to absolute solitude and through this brought me even closer to God, and taught me self-love. I didn’t realize I was such a people pleaser, acts of service human who gave alot to others, but didn’t pour into my own cup. 

    I am at the brink of learning about one consciousness. Your experience was one that I felt particularly able to relate to. The cord of “g” was an eye opener. It really stood out. I have seen a few of your pod casts and even wrote down your message from God off of a YouTube podcast of yours, not realizing you had it written on the internet, duh, lol … But I felt writing it was what I was led to do, no punctuation, all lowercase , except I wrote I AM each time in caps. It was almost as I was somewhat experiencing how you wrote it. 

    I was raised Jehovah’s Witness, 3rd in 5 children. I already felt God in me, never as separate. Born with an intuition off the charts, started questioning my Mom if I was adopted as soon as I could talk. She’d assure me I wasn’t. I had a knowing that she wasn’t being completely honest with me. Found out at 29, I was an affair baby. Crazy unexplainable events throughout my life have led me to this awakening that somehow I already knew, but perhaps was so deep in my fibers, a spark needed to happen to bring it into my consciousness. YOU ARE part of that spark. Thank you Sister. 🙏😊💗 Somehow out of all that I have been watching, your spark was the one that was relatable and thrust me deeper into knowledge. 

    • Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your message is so necessary. Love Cat (Cathleen).🙏💗

    I live in Ridgefield, Washington in old town. I rent a 1901 home and it’s been a healing respite after a 28 year marriage. I am 60 and it’s been an incredible journey on this earth, one I cherish each day. Many hardships, but somehow I always had a positive take on everything, even as a small child. I am so thankful and have so much gratitude and love for each experience I have.


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